Health Surveillance

Skin Surveillance

Occupational skin conditions can be a significant concern for many workers, especially those exposed to sensitising agents and skin irritants.

About Prohms

Prevent Skin Degradation

Irritants, which include solvents, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and machine oils, can gradually degrade the skin, leading to symptoms like dryness, cracking, and itching. Over time, certain sensitising chemicals can even cause skin sensitisation, which, in severe cases, can lead to anaphylaxis.

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Early detection often leads to better outcomes and can prevent severe complications.

Skin Surveillance

When is Skin Surveillance Required?

Health surveillance becomes crucial when:

When is Skin Surveillance Required?
  • Employees are exposed to a residual risk from hazardous substances, even after implementing all control measures.
  • The substance in question is known to cause an identifiable disease or adverse health effect.
  • There’s a reasonable likelihood of the disease or effect occurring under specific work conditions.
  • Valid techniques are available for detecting the disease or effect.

Why is Skin Surveillance Necessary?

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Early Detection

Health surveillance aims to protect employees by detecting adverse changes or diseases early on. Early detection often leads to better outcomes and can prevent severe complications.

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Data Collection

Health surveillance helps in collecting data to detect or evaluate health hazards, ensuring a safer work environment.

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Evaluating Control Measures

Regular surveillance can provide insights into the effectiveness of current control measures and if any adjustments are needed.

Prohms offers flexibility in conducting these checks. They can be carried out at your workplace for convenience, ensuring minimal disruption to the workday. Alternatively, they can also be conducted at Prohms’ dedicated facilities.

Prohms’ Approach to Skin Surveillance

At Prohms, we offer comprehensive skin health surveillance checks, which can be part of a broader health surveillance program or standalone skin checks. These checks typically include:

Prohms’ Approach to Skin Surveillance
  • Questionnaire
    A detailed questionnaire to understand the employee’s exposure and any symptoms they might be experiencing.
  • Visual Skin Check
    A thorough examination of the skin to identify any signs of irritation, degradation, or disease.

Following the surveillance checks, both the employee and the employer receive a fitness-for-work certificate, which states the outcome.

Proactive Health Management

Our skin surveillance program is designed to ensure that employees remain safe and healthy, irrespective of their job roles. By understanding the risks, implementing regular checks, and promoting awareness, we aim to create a safer work environment for all.

Skin Surveillance