Health Surveillance
Work-related skin conditions can impact individuals across various professions. These conditions can arise or be aggravated by exposure to physical, chemical, or biological agents, mechanical forces, or prolonged glove usage leading to excessive sweating.
Skin diseases related to work can impact individuals across various professions. These conditions may arise or worsen due to exposure to physical, chemical, or biological substances, mechanical forces, or extended periods of glove usage, leading to increased perspiration and excessive skin hydration.
Occupational skin diseases are preventable and should be addressed using the same measures as other health and safety hazards.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has identified various causative agents for conditions like contact dermatitis, contact urticaria, and even skin cancer. Recognising these agents and understanding their effects is the first step in skin conservation.
The primary consideration should be to prevent exposure either by eliminating the hazardous substance or substituting it with a less harmful one.
If elimination isn’t feasible, design processes to minimise emission and transmission. This could mean enclosing the source, using extraction ventilation, or even automating the process.
Use shields, splash guards, or screens to prevent direct contact.
If other control measures aren’t sufficient, provide suitable PPE. However, ensure that it’s used correctly and is compatible with the work environment.
Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations, skin surveillance becomes essential when:
The work is known to adversely affect health.
Reliable methods exist to detect the disease or condition.
There’s a reasonable likelihood of health damage under specific work conditions.
Surveillance is likely to benefit the employee.
For instance, if there have been prior instances of work-related health issues, or if there’s a dependency on personal protective equipment (PPE) like gloves or aprons, health surveillance becomes crucial.
Once a skin contamination issue is identified, remedies must be considered. Under the COSHH regulations, employers must ensure that employees’ exposure to hazardous materials through skin contact is either prevented or adequately controlled.
Skin care plays a pivotal role in preventing skin diseases. Employers should ensure that employees maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. This includes providing adequate washing facilities and educating employees about the importance of thorough drying and moisturising.
Health surveillance, such as skin checks, can identify early symptoms of dermatitis or other skin-related health effects. Early detection often leads to better outcomes for the affected individual.
Human behaviour is crucial in maintaining the effectiveness of control measures. Employers must inform, instruct, and train workers about the risks from skin exposure. This includes instruction in the correct use of PPE and good skin care routines.
At Prohms, we’re dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of all employees. By understanding the risks, implementing preventive measures, and promoting awareness, we can create a safer work environment for everyone.