Health Screening
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a condition that can lead to painful vascular, circulatory, or sensorineural issues in the fingers and hands.
The severity of the symptoms is directly related to the duration and intensity of vibration exposure. The more prolonged and intense the exposure, the more severe the symptoms can become.
When an individual’s exposure surpasses the first action level of 2.5m/s^2, or if they are particularly susceptible due to pre-existing health issues like poor circulation or Raynaud’s phenomenon, HAVS health surveillance becomes essential.
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a condition that can lead to painful vascular, circulatory, or sensorineural issues in the fingers and hands.
Prohms has a team of professionals who are well-versed in HAVS Screening and its implications.
From initial assessments to follow-ups, Prohms ensures a thorough evaluation.
If abnormalities are detected, Prohms provides guidance on the next steps.
15 mins
These tiers typically take about 15 minutes to finish. They can be conducted either remotely or in person with the individual.
60 -90 mins
This tiers duration ranges from 60 to 90 minutes, contingent on the individual’s symptoms and challenges they face.
Time Dependent
The time required for these levels is determined by the outcomes of the tier 3 assessment.
The initial questionnaire (an exemplar of which can be acquired from the HSE website) is intended to collect information about an individual's past work experience, any pre-existing health concerns related to vibration exposure, or factors that might increase susceptibility to HAVS.
This is an annual follow-up questionnaire designed to track any changes compared to the baseline questionnaire and to identify individuals who may require referral to Tier 3 for a HAVS Screening.
Typically conducted by a qualified professional, this health screening evaluation may involve various components, including the utilization of the following equipment. The person conducting the assessment need not possess medical qualifications but must have relevant training in HAVS assessment.
Hand Grip Strength Measurement Device
Hand Grip Strength Measurement Devices can be employed to measure and monitor grip strength. While grip strength alone does not indicate injury, it can be monitored over time for any alterations.
Touch-Test Sensory Evaluators
Touch-Test Sensory Evaluators are used to assess nerve sensitivity at different points on the hand. These evaluators consist of small, flexible filaments that are moved across the fingers to gauge touch sensitivity. Changes in this perception can signal the progression of a vibration-related injury.
Purdue Pegboards
Purdue Pegboards are employed to measure and monitor dexterity levels and are an industry-standard assessment method. These boards typically come with reference levels for various age groups and genders, allowing for benchmarking of employees. Originally developed in the USA during the 1950s to assess the dexterity of potential manual workers for recruitment, dexterity is also a factor commonly affected by vibration-related injuries, making it crucial to monitor closely.
Tier 4 entails a formal diagnosis, which must be carried out by a medical doctor with specialization in occupational health, typically a member of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. The doctor uses provided information along with their own assessment to determine the extent of any injury. The diagnosis is based on the Stockholm Scale, which assesses two elements of HAVS damage, denoted as 1SN3V, indicating the extent of injury for each component.
Tier 5 consists of optional tests that can be requested by an occupational doctor when determining a formal diagnosis. These tests may include:
Virbo-Tactile Threshold Test
A device that generates vibrations on a small plate at specific frequencies and levels. The patient responds by pressing a button when they feel the vibration at their fingertips and releasing it when they no longer do.
Temperature Aesthesiometer
This device also uses a small plate, varying its temperature to assess sensitivity to temperature changes at the fingertips.
Fingertip Blood Pressure Test
As the name suggests, this test measures blood pressure specifically at the fingertips.
Hot-Cold Provocation Test
Though not commonly used, this test assesses the response to temperature changes using a bath of water that is warmed and cooled.
Conducted for new employees.
Conducted annually for individuals without any HAVS symptoms. Those with symptoms undergo Tier 3 screening every three years.
Conducted annually for those diagnosed with HAVS, regardless of ongoing vibration exposure.
Conducted based on the recommendation of the occupational health professional during the Tier 3 screening.
Apart from Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is another potential health risk linked to vibration. It’s crucial to evaluate the ergonomics of vibration-involved tasks to mitigate risks from both Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and HAVS.
Our team is dedicated to ensuring the safety of your staff and compliance with health and safety regulations. Schedule an assessment with us today.